St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Welcome to Year 5's Class Page

Year 5 is a fun and exiting year with much to look forward to. We are thrilled to welcome the children back to school ready for a fantastic year ahead . This term we will be focusing on making sure children feel safe, happy and ready to thrive in a new year.

Here, you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 5 this term. So keep looking online to get weekly updates 

Class Teachers -  Mrs Claire Duffy

Support Staff - Mrs Shea,  Mrs Harrison and Miss Spence

Thank you to Harvey and Nanfen, who led our class collective worship. They gave up their lunchtimes to plan and prepare a lovey, prayerful worship. See their presentation slides below. 

Castlerigg March 2024

We had a fantastic trip to Castlerigg Manor Retreat Centre in Keswick where the children immersed themselves into the theme of 'Let your Light Shine'. We talked about ways we can let our light shine for others, made time for prayer and reflection and spent time thinking about ourselves and what talents God has given us. The children had a great time and it was lovely to see them all having so much fun.  

World Book Day 2024 - We had a theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Year 5 this week. We Designed Wonka's factory and invented our own sweets! We also had a biscuit sale to raise money for Lent. Lots of fabulous costumes!

Year 5 were lucky enough to be invited to Mount St Mary's to see their production of Matilda! We had a lovely afternoon and couldn't believe how good the children from MSM were especially with their singing!

On Monday we held an information Zoom session about Castlerigg residential. Below is the information we shared, for those that were unable to attend. 

Friday 1st March saw our TT Rockstars day being celebrated in school. Watch out for your child's password to use at home. Practising little and often (5 mins per day) is a great way to secure the Key Instant Recall Facts. 

Year 5 went to Church on Monday 26th February to take part in a Reconciliation service. The children read very well and were prayerful and respectful. Children had an opportunity to further their Lenten journey by going to confession heard by Fr Polland. A lovely experience.

Year 5 Enjoyed their Christmas party before the holidays. Thank you for the contributions to the party food. They enjoyed some dancing and party games in the hall followed by food and a film.......

We have carried on with our Children leading Collective Worship in class. The children work hard during their lunchtimes to prepare thoughtful, prayerful Worship on the theme of the Virtue of the week. We will continue to develop our Journey in Faith through these Worship sessions in January.

We have started our Collective Worship led by the children. Emily and Elizabeth did a lovely job of starting us off with a beautiful Worship about Hope.

This week we are marking Anti-Bullying Week in school. Year 5 started the week by designing their own unique socks, to represent us all being unique in our own ways. We also took part in a live lesson on CBBC that talked about types of bullying and what we can do to help.  

In PSHCE we have been talking about Nurturing our Friendships as part of our Nurture November calendar. We talked about ways our friendships were like plants that needed to be nurtured and nourished in order to blossom. We wrote prayers in our Prayer journals thanking God for our friendships and asking God to help us to nurture them....

This half term we are taking turns to lead Class Collective Worship. The children will plan, prepare and lead the sessions in class and we look forward to the first session next week. Watch this space for some lovely pictures and videos of us Worshipping God together.

We have been reflecting on the Virtue of Hope and what Hope God brings to us. We heard the famous 'Beatitudes' and thought about how we can live out the Beatitudes in our own lives......

Year 5 Enjoyed watching a lovely song in RE called 'Love Song to the Earth'. It reminded us of God's beautiful World and how we should be 'Stewards of Creation' like the celebrities in the video......

Watch the video here.......

Look at our lovely Creation Wheels; inspired by The Creation Story in the book of Genesis.

On Thursday 27th September, Year 5 and 6 visited mount St Mary's High School for a taster day. They had a chance to try out a Science lesson in the lab, testing substances to see if they were acids or alkalines. They also learned some phrases in Spanish and tried their hand at finger knitting in the DT department. They had a great morning and some even wanted to skip Year 6 to go straight to Year 7!