St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"


Each week your child will bring home a new reading book containing the sounds they have been learning in school. Children will only bring home books with the sounds they can recognise consistently. Please read this book daily with your child and write a comment in their reading journal.

Every time a new sound is taught children will bring home a letter formation sheet to help them practise correct formation of that grapheme.

If you have any questions about how Phonics is taught in school please do not hesitate to ask any member of the Reception team. 

A huge thank-you to the parents and carers who attended our phonics meeting. Your enthusiasm and participation really made the evening a great success. 

As promised the presentation, supporting materials and of course a few photographs of you all in action can be found below. 

Keep practising those robot arms!


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