St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Welcome to Year 3

We are looking forward to all the fun, challenges and opportunities this year will bring.

We are Year 3
We are Year 3

June 2024  Our conversion of Saul role plays

June 2024  Pre-writing a story on white boards

May 2024 The Road to Emmaus role plays

April 2024  Discovering the structure of a flower

April 2024  Using our whiteboards effectively! 

March 2024:

Raising money through pyjama day for Zarach beds AND growing plants in science! 

March 2024


Enjoying our fundraising! Thank you for all the support! 

March 2024


Year 3 enjoyed learning about plants at Harlow Carr garden centre in Harrogate. We even brought back our own seeds! 

February 2024


Year 3 had a cold day out at Bingley Five Rise Locks. We certainly learnt a lot about settlements and how transport has changed over time! 

Thursday 7th December

And just like that December is upon us!  It's been a busy week and we are beginning to feel Christmassy in Year 3. We have begun to look at signs and symbols of Christmas in R.E. and learn Christmas vocabulary in French.  We also help raise money for Save the Children by wearing our Christmas jumpers.  We have also been looking at the genre of Soul and Motown in music and are looking forward to our performance tomorrow.

Thursday 30th November

Year 3 have been busy exploring pneumatics as part of their design technology this half term.  Today they made their designs ready to add the pneumatic mechanisms next week. 

Friday 27th October

What a great way to end a half term!  This week has been packed with exciting learning opportunities and the children have continued to work hard through a long half term. Highlights of this week include looking at women who have had an impact in the field of Science as part of Black History Month (Mae Jemison, Maggie Pocock and Katherine Johnson).  Have a look at some of the word clouds below, created to think about the personality traits these women had.  Today maths involved playing lots of games to day to recap and develop our Maths learning.  English this week allowed us to explore free verse poetry.  Some children even performed these to other.  Check out the videos below.   Have a lovely restful holiday.


Miss Boyles

Free Verse Poetry performances

Word clouds created as part of our Black History Month Activity

Friday 20th October

 Another wonderful week in Year 3 with lots going on.  Our final writing piece on non-chronological reports were completed (look out in the classroom if you are visiting for parent's evening this coming week), we learnt a new written method for addition in Maths and the highlight had to be creating our final artwork in charcoal.  The project focussed on large gestural drawings and we had great fun even if it got a bit messy.  Have a look at the videos and images below. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Boyles

Art in the making

The final pieces

Please see the video link regarding next week's art lesson here  

Dancing in Charcoal - SketchBetter on Vimeo

Thursday 12th October

This week we have been continuing with our unit of art on charcoal and gestural drawing.  We looked at some of the earliest artwork created by people living in caves thousands of years ago and then had a go at creating our own artwork inspired by this.  


We are so glad to have the pleasure of teaching your children this year. Your children will be learning in a fun and caring environment where they will be supported to achieve their own potential in a school with God at its centre. We will have lots of fun and make the most of all the learning opportunities including going on trips outside of school.  Keep checking the class page and website for updates on all the fun we will be having so that you can be part of the journey with us.




Thursday 5th October

It has been a great week this week with lots of great fun and learning opportunities.  Take a look at the photos below that show: the end of our learning journey of writing character descriptions, using active maths outdoors to learn about ordering numbers and the fun we have in drumming.  As October is the month of the Rosary we also learnt about the Rosary and prayers used in it.  We are trying to promote praying the Rosary in October.  Please use the link below that has some lovely child friendly videos and prayer sessions to lead and help children pray the Rosary.

The Mark 10 Mission - The Rosary Challenge

Today was a great day on the first school trip of the year to Magna Science museum to explore their Science topic of magnets.

Please find below the information shared at the meet the parents meeting.

Friday 15th September

What a great first 2 weeks back.  It has been great getting to know the children as we spend more time together.  The children have worked really hard and quickly got back into the swing of things.  This week highlights have included our first drumming lesson, singing with Miss Leather and using balloons to help understand key lines of latitude.  Have a  look at this and other things we have been up to this week in the photos below. 

REMEMBER: Next Wednesday we will go on our school trip.  Children will need to be in their school uniform and bring a packed lunch.

Have a lovely weekend. 

The Year 3 Team.

Spelling Shed Super stars: Francesca, Alice, Sianna, Olivia, Oskar, Gabriel, Jayden, Karina, Englebert, Ifoema, Lucy


Maths Shed Marvels: Lucy, Francesca, Sianna, Oskar, Gabriel, Jayden Englebert, Ifoema