St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

  Welcome to Reception's Class Page

Miss Richardson, Miss Twigg, Mrs Horne and Miss Shea.  


What a wonderful day Reception had on the farm!

In RE we have been learning about being kind and helpful to others. Then, what we should do if we do something to hurt someone. We drew pictures on leaves of times when we have needed to say sorry. We asked Jesus to help us say sorry and placed our leaves on our special tree. 

Getting to Know Jesus

We have been learning about how Jesus chose special friends to help him. We talked about our own special friends and why we chose them. 

Whoops-a-Daisy Angel

Here are some photographs of us dressed in our costumes for our Christmas production of Whoops-a-Daisy Angel. 

Preparing for Christmas 

Exploring Autumn Treasures

Children took home paper bags to fill with Autumn Treasures. We used the natural objects they collected to promote discussion, create art and inspire maths. 

We compared amounts, shapes, colours and sizes. There were so many things to talk about ...

'I went went for a walk with my Grandma.'

'My daddy took me to the park ... we found some spiky leaves.'

'Will the shiny berries make you dead?'

'My leaf is the biggest!'


Science Day 10.11.23 Oobleck, bubbles and fizzing!

What fabulous day Reception had making predictions, observing, exploring and experimenting with different materials. We enjoyed making oobleck with cornflour and water. The children came up with some interesting questions and made some excellent observations. 

'how can it be hard then go slimy again?'

'I think it looks like yogurt' 

'I just don't understand, it was a lump then now it's all runny'

'it's stuck my hands it's turned to snow'

We also discovered what happened when you mix vinegar and baking powder!!!

'it's like an explosion'

'we have got a volcano in our classroom'

'the vinegar is stinky that's why the white stuff fizzes away'

During Science Day children learnt some new vocabulary, discussed their ideas, took turns, shared, practised using their fine motor skills, used mathematic language, explored materials, got very messy and most importantly had lots of scientific fun. 

Congratulations to our Science Award winners Tracey and Teddy!  


Guess How Much I Love You? by Sam McBratney

Reception loved acting out the story all about how much Little Nut Brown Hare and Big Nut Brown Hare love each other. We even used our imaginations to see the river and the moon. 

Friday morning Yoga sessions help keep our mind and bodies healthy. 

Our RE topic this half term is God's World. We have been learning about the Creation Story and all the wonderful things God made for us. 

We are creating a display of people who are special to us. We would love you to send in any family photographs to add to our display.  

Our new Reception children are definitely making the most of their first days at St Philip's.