St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Welcome to Nursery!
On this page you will find all the exciting activities and experiences that are taking place in Nursery. Enjoy having a look through everything we have been learning about. Make sure to keep coming back and checking it! General information is also on display on our notice board in the entrance to Nursery. Class newsletters will also be uploaded on the tab above.

Miss Doran, Miss Nowell and Mrs Fenton :)

Our Visit to Church 

As part of our RE topic 'Our Church Family' we went to visit our Church. We started by looking at lots of pictures of special objects that we might see and then tried to look for them when we were there. These included the altar, lecturn, font, pews, crucifix and Bible. We even had a sit on Father Polland's chair. We took lots of pictures of our visit!

What have we been learning about in Nursery recently?

We've have been so busy in Nursery! We have been reading Traditional Tales- we loved reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Jack and the Beanstalk. We even planted our own magic beans! We have also planted sunflower seeds which is linked to our RE topic of New Life. We are going to look after them carefully so they grow beautifully. 

New Life

Nursery went on a spring walk around our school grounds to look for signs of new life. We saw buds, daffodils, nests and bluebells!


World Book Day 2024!

We had an amazing day on World Book Day! Our focus test was 'Peace at Last'. The adults in class dressed up as characters from the story and we all came to Nursery dressed as our favourite story characters. We started the day by going into the school hall to join in a parade to show everyone our amazing costumes! We then went back to Nursery and read our focus story. Our classroom was full of lots of exciting activities linked to the story. At the end of the day, all of the teachers swapped classes and read a story to a different class. Miss Doran went to see Year 5 and Miss Varlet came to Nursery. She read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' in French! We had a a great day! Have a look at some pictures below. 

Multicoloured Monday!

We supported Leeds Mind by having a multicoloured Monday! Each class had a different colour to dress up in and completed activities linked to different feelings and emotions. We dressed in pink and thought about LOVE; who we love and why. 

Nursery's Christmas Cracker!

Nursery performed their Christmas Cracker to the rest of the school, family and friends! All the children performed brilliantly, they should be so proud of themselves! Well done Nursery!

December so far...


Before Advent started we made our class Advent wreath. Advent is the time we prepare for Christmas. We carefully put on the evergreen leaves and candles. We learnt what each candle means. Our wreath was then blessed along with all the other wreaths, by Father Polland. We will light another candle during each week in Advent. 

Autumn Activities

Remembrance Day

We marked Remembrance Day with some special activities. We started with a Collective Worship; we lit our candle and each places a stone in the middle while we thought about all those who have fought in the wars. Take a look at some of the pictures below. 

World Science Day 2023!

In Nursery, we marked World Science Day in a number of exciting ways. We started by planting a variety of different bulbs. We are going to look after them carefully and watch them grow over the coming weeks and months. We have also recently been learning about Bonfire Night and Diwali. We know that fireworks are included in these special festivals. We tried to create our mini versions with an experiment with coca cola. They weren't quite as big but still exciting!

Colour of the Week!

For the last few weeks, we have been learning about one colour each week. Every Wednesday we have had a 'Wear our colour of the week' Day. Have a look at some pictures of what we have been getting up to to celebrate each colour!

Perfect Pumpkins!

We have started to learn about all the signs of autumn. One sign of autumn is pumpkins! We explored some pumpkins; looking at their shape, size and textures. We opened one up and loved seeing what was inside!

This is us!

During our first half term, we have been learning all about ourselves and each other! We all have different features which make us who we are! We have painted self-portraits which we are so proud of. They are now displayed in Nursery too. 

God's Wonderful World!

Our R.E topic this half term is 'God's Wonderful World'. We have thought about all the amazing things God made. We listened to the Story of Creation though Godly play. We could name lots of the animals and plants that God created. We made our own 'Worlds' and decorated them with different creatures and plants. We know that God also made each one of us. We're all unique and different in our own special ways. 

The Start of Our Journey...

What a lovely first week in Nursery we have had! We have welcomed back some children from last year and also said hello to lots of new friends! Have a look at some of the things we have got up to so far!