St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Welcome to Year 4's Class Page!

Come and see what we have been getting up to this year.

03.10.24 - Ukuleles

We are enjoying learning how to play ukuleles in music so far. The children are developing their understanding of how to stay in time with the beat, what the different strings are and have started to learn certain chords. We can't wait to keep improving our ukulele skills throughout the year.

19.09.24 - The Story of Abraham

This half term our topic in RE is 'The Bible' so we have been looking at different stories and people in the Bible. Today, we looked at The Story of Abraham and the children worked together to retell the story using freeze frames. We also discussed how Abraham persevered and showed faith in God and linked it to our lives and talked about where we have had to preserve or when we have shown faith in God.

18.09.24 - Skipping School

Skipping School came to spend the morning with us and did a training session so the children could prepare for the Year 4 Skipping Festival which will take place next year. The children had so much fun learning all the different types of skips, even the more trickier ones like the pretzel! If you are interested in buying a skipping rope for your child to practise at home, we have loads available to buy in school. We can't wait to keep working on our skipping skills ready for the festival!

06.09.24 - Meet the Teacher 

It was so lovely to meet some of you and go over some of the things we will be doing this year. If you happened to miss the 'Meet the Teacher' evening, I sent a copy of the slides home with each child and I have inserted them below for you as well. I am looking forward to working in partnership with you this year and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.