St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Well-being Calendar 2024

As we enter in to a new year, 2024, we will be focusing on our mental health and well-being. This was such a success last year that we just had to carry on again this year. The classes will learn about and discuss the focus of each month and what it means to them as well as how they can share this with others. 

What has made you feel happy this Joyful January?

Take a look at some of what the children enjoyed below.

How does it make you feel when people are kind to you? 

Now think of ways you can be kind to others too.

How do you like to relax? What smells, colours, sounds do you notice around you?

Take a look at what some of our children noticed.

It's time to get those arms waving, feet stomping, hearts pumping and minds energized!

What do you love to do to keep active?

What are you afraid of?

See how you can face those fears and become braver and more confident.


I can and I will.


Do you always make the right decision?

Is it easy to make the right decision?

Think about a wrong decision and what you could have done instead.

Do you have a goal you would like to achieve? What are your ambitions? What could help you reach those goals?

Where do you like to relax and wind down? What does it look like? What sounds can you hear? What can you smell?

What might you be feeling optimistic about this month? How can you think more positively?