St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"


Welcome to Year 2's Class Page! 

The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul

Today we led a very special whole school worship about the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul which is taking place on 29th June. We shared a prayer that St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Christians in Rome. We heard that Jesus told Peter he was the the rock on which he would build the church and we reflected on the importance of being a rock for others in our Church community. Our mission this week is to think about how we can be this rock and help others. 

A Balanced Diet 19.06.24

 In Science, we have been learning all about how we can take care of our bodies. We recognised that it it is important to eat the right amounts of different types of foods. We looked at the Eat Well Plate which showed us how much of each food we should be eating. We used this guide to create our own wraps. We included lettuce, tomatoes, chicken and cheese. They were delicious!

Skipping Festival 13.06.24

 Over the last few months, we have all been working so hard on perfecting our skipping skills in preparation for the skipping festival. We were competing against lots of different schools which made us a feel a little bit nervous. We had the opportunity to showcase a range of different skipping skills and techniques including single bounce, double bounce, side swing, side straddle and hop and swap. We also carried out some team skipping games where we showed great determination and teamwork skills. We won so many different awards and we had so much fun on the day!

WOW Wall 24.05.24

 Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in History and English!

The Great Fire of London 24.05.24

This half term, we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. Today we put our knowledge to the test and put the events of the fire into chronological order. We then checked our partner's timeline to see if they put them in the correct order. 

WOW Wall 10.05.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in English and History!

Wear It Green 10.05.24

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and we have been learning all about how important it is to take care of our minds. We learned about how amazing exercise can be for our mental health and well being. To raise money for the Mental Health Foundation, we all came to school dressed in green and took part in a Danceathon. We had to dance non-stop for 20 minutes! It was good fun and we all felt great afterwards.

Skelton Grange 01.05.24

We had a great day today at Skelton Grange to learn more about our history topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’. We started our day by learning what the houses were made out of, why the fire spread so easily, what they used to put the fire out and what a fire needs to survive. We had a chance to put out a ‘fire’ by using water squirts and we took part in lots of different experiments which showed us the 3 things a fire needs to survive. We also built our own houses out of paper and put these together to create a ‘mini London’. We then set these alight and observed how quickly the fire spread. In the afternoon, we worked in small groups to build our own shelters. We finished the day by cooking popcorn on a fire.  

Tennis 29.04.24 

Today we had an exciting visit from Sam the tennis coach. He shows us how to hold a tennis racket correctly and how to bat the ball in the direction of our friends. We even carried out some mini games where we played against our partners. 

WOW Wall 24.04.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English and History. 

Volume and Capacity 24.04.24

Today we started learning about volume and capacity in maths. We worked in small groups and started by looking at the capacity of the beaker that we were using. We then took it in turns to pour different amounts of water into the beaker and measure the volume.

Haiku Poetry 16.04.24

We have been learning all about haiku poetry this week. We have read lots of different haiku poems and identified the key features. We worked in small groups to write our own haiku poem about spring time. Today we worked in the same groups to perform our poems to the rest of the class. We thought about how we could change our voice and the actions that we could use when performing. 

Wheels and Axles 11.04.24

We have been so busy today building our own model trains. We used various different materials to create our trains and make sure that they had working wheels. We needed to make sure that they had wheels, an axle and an axle holder in order for them to move correctly.

Wheelathon 20.03.24

This week, we have been taking part in lots of different activities to raise money for Lent. Today we completed our sponsored wheelathon. We all brought in various different wheels from roller blades and prams to bikes and scooters. We raised lots of money for charity and had so much fun wheeling around the playground. 

WOW Wall 22.03.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for fabulous work in English and maths.

Observing Plants 20.03.24

This week, we were observing the seeds that we had planted at the start of the term. We had put these plants in various different conditions to observe which one would grow to be the biggest and the healthiest plant. We put one of our plants in the fridge, in the dark store cupboard, one near the window with no water and one near the window with water. We noticed that most of the plants had started to grow but that they were not very healthy. The plant that had been next to the window and had been watered had grown the most and had grown lots of bright green, healthy leaves. 

WOW Wall 08.03.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for amazing work in English and history.

World Book Day 07.03.24

 We have had a great day celebrating World Book Day in Year 2! We all came to school dressed up as a character from our favourite book.

Our focus book for the day was 'The Cat in the Hat' by Dr. Seuss. Before listening to the story, we used the front cover to predict what we think the story might be about. We then listened to the story and discussed what it would be like if The Cat in the Hat came to our house on a rainy day. We then worked in small groups to sequence the story.

WOW Wall 01.03.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for fabulous work in history and handwriting.

Djembe Drums 27.02.24

We are now in our fourth half term of learning the djembe drums. We have so much fun in every lesson and have learnt various rhythms that we can all practise and play together. Watch us play together below:

The Mass 27.02.24

This half term, we are learning all about the Mass. We are currently learning about the special signs and actions that are used within Mass. We have discussed what the meaning of these signs and actions are and why they are important. We then visited church and worked in small groups to see which items we could see. Many of us identified the tabernacle, altar table, sanctuary lamp and crucifixes. We also identified the stained glass windows and the Baptismal font. 

WOW Wall 23.02.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and geography.

A trip to St. Gemma's 22.02.24

 Last half term, we were learning all about the good news in R.E. We finished our unit by thinking about how we can spread the message of the good news ourselves. Over many weeks, we collected items that we no longer needed or wanted and brought them into school. 

On Thursday morning, we had some time for reflection and to think about why we had been collecting items to donate. We each wrote our own prayers. Some of us wrote prayers for the patients in St. Gemma's Hospice, their families or the hard-working people that work at St. Gemma's. 

We then visited our local St. Gemma's charity shop to drop off our donations. We learnt all about how the donations are sorted at the shop and how the money that is raised from the sales is used to help the sick people in the hospice. The staff at St. Gemma's were very grateful for all of the items that we donated. 

Skipping 05.02.24

We had a very exciting visit today from Abbie and Adele from The Skipping School. 

They taught us lots of different skipping techniques including the double bounce, hop & swap, side straddle and side swing. We had so much fun practising all of these techniques and then showing them to our friends. We even practised some group skipping games including 'run jump out' and 'keep the pot boiling'. 

We are so excited to continue practising our skipping skills over the next few months!

The Yorkshire Arboretum 02.02.24

We had a great day today at The Yorkshire Arboretum to explore our science topic of 'plants'.

We started our day be learning about different kind of plants and all of the different things that they are used for. We learnt about how we can take care of plants and why this is so important, especially for our planet. We watched a tree being felled and learnt all about this process and why it sometimes needs to take place. 

We then visited the red squirrel enclosure in small groups and made sure to be extra quiet to see if we could spot any of the red squirrels. 

In the afternoon, we explored more of the grounds, observed different types of plants and learnt about how they grow from small seeds and bulbs into big plants. 

WOW Wall 26.01.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and R.E. 

Money 25.01.24

As we are currently learning about money in maths, we have been buying our own snack this week. We have thought carefully about how much we need, which coins we can use to make that amount and then carefully checking that we have made the right amount. 

WOW Wall 19.01.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in guided reading and handwriting. 

The Story of Jairus' Daughter 18.01.24

Our R.E topic this half term is 'The Good News'. One of the stories that we have been learning about this week is the story of Jairus' Daughter. We listened to the story and reflected on how the characters in the story might have been feeling at different points. We recognised that Jesus had performed a miracle. We worked in small groups and created our own comic strips to retell the story of Jairus' Daughter. 

Multicoloured Monday 15.01.24

You may have heard of ‘Blue Monday’, it’s known as the most depressing day of the year, but at Leeds Mind, they know that low moods can happen at any time. So to help dispel the myth, they decided to mark the day in a fun and vibrant way with Multicoloured Monday instead.

Each year group had a different colour and theme to focus on throughout the day. Year 2 were focusing on sadness so we all came to school wearing something that was blue.

We discussed what it means to be sad, why we might feel sad and what we can do to overcome sadness. Lots of us recognised that we can talk to our families, friends and teachers for support and that we can do things that make us smile including listening to our favourite music, playing our favourite games or reading a book that makes us smile.

WOW Wall 12.01.24

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in maths and handwriting. 

Marvellous Materials 10.01.24

This half term, we are learning all about materials in science. Today we started this topic by going on a shape hunt around our school and exploring all of the different materials that are around us. We identified lots of different materials including plastic, metal, glass, wood and many more. We also identified that different objects are made from different materials and that some objects are made from more than one material. 

Ball Skills 08.01.24

This half term, we are starting to develop our ball skills using our feet. We have been thinking about how we can keep the ball close to us and move it with control. We also explored using different parts of our feet to move the ball. We worked in pairs to move the ball around a small space and try and keep it away from the defenders. 

A Special Christmas Delivery 22.12.23

We were so excited when we arrived at school this morning and saw that there were lots of Christmas presents waiting for us underneath the Christmas tree. We were even more excited when we opened our presents and saw that we had each been given a special Christmas book. We enjoyed reading our books and sharing these stories with our friends. 

Christmas Party 18.12.23

We had a great time at our Christmas party this afternoon with Year One. We all came to school in our best party clothes and made our own crowns to wear at the party. We played lots of games, showcased our best dance moves and ate lots of delicious food. It was so much fun!

Shine Star, Shine 11.12.23

Today we performed our production 'Shine Star, Shine' to all of our grown ups. We have spent lots of time over the last few weeks practising our acting, singing and dancing with Year One. 

We had so much fun performing today and loved being able to tell the Christmas story to everyone.

WOW Wall 08.12.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for fantastic work in maths and English. 

Music Focus Week

During music focus week, we have been learning all about reggae music. At the beginning of the week, we learnt all about the history of reggae music and where it came from. We enjoyed listening to lots of different reggae songs throughout the week and we even learnt all of the words to 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. We had so much fun performing this song in our music assembly on Friday!

WOW Wall 01.12.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and maths. 

D.T. Day 01.12.23

We have had such a busy day in Year Two! Today we have been exploring structures in D.T by making our own bug hotels. 

We started our day off by looking at different materials and carrying out some simple experiments to find out which shape is the best shape to use when building a structure. We carried out some product analysis of different structures and thought about which features increase the stability of the structures. 

We then designed our own bug hotels and worked with our partners to build these. We thought carefully about how we can make our bug hotels stable and how we can make them waterproof so that they will last outside during the winter months. 

We placed our bug hotels outside in our woodland area. We can't wait to observe and evaluate our bug hotels over the next few weeks. 

Micro habitats 29.11.23

In science this week, we have been learning all about micro habitats. We learnt what a micro habitat is and identified some different micro habitats that exist in our school grounds. We explored the school grounds with Mrs Shea and closely observed the micro habitats. We identified which bugs lived in each habitat and recorded this in a table. 

WOW Wall 17.11.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and R.E.

Anti-Bullying Week

This week we have been completing some work around Anti-Bullying Week. We started off the week with our 'Odd Sock Day' where we all came into school wearing odd socks. This was to show that we are all individual and unique. 

We learnt about what bullying is and how we can come together with kindness to stop bullying. We designed our own 'kind' socks which promoted different ways that we can be kind to everyone within school.

WOW Wall 10.11.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for beautiful handwriting. 

Heaven 09.11.23 

Our topic in R.E this half term is 'Mysteries'. We started our lesson today by reflecting on what a mystery is and thinking about some of the mysteries in our world. We worked in pairs and started by writing a list of questions that are easy to answer. We then wrote down lots of questions that were difficult to answer. We recognised that Heaven is a big mystery as we don’t know what Heaven is like. We listened to some music and reflected on what we think Heaven might be like. We read the poem ‘Heaven’ by Steve Turner and used the watercolours to paint our interpretation of what Heaven might look like.

World Science Day 08.11.23

Today we celebrated World Science Day. We learnt all about John Dunlop and how he invented tyres filled with air. We replicated the scientific enquiry that he carried out to test the different tyres by using different balls. Before we completed our enquiry, we predicted what would happen with each ball. We rolled each ball down a ramp and observed how bouncy the ball was and how many bounces it did once it had rolled off of the table. We recorded our results in a table and decided which ball was the bounciest. We discussed what we had found from our scientific enquiry and what we might do next.

Tropical World 27.10.23

 We had a great day today at Tropical World to explore our science topic of 'living things and their habitats'. 

We started our day by taking part in a habitats workshop. We learnt about all of the different types of habitats and the animals that live in them. We discussed how different animals are suited to their habitat and we were able to dress up as some of the animals. We completed a sorting activity to decide what is good for our planet and what is bad for our planet. We thought about how we can help to protect the different habitats and the animals in them by recycling, walking more instead of driving and turning off taps and light switches.

In the afternoon, we explored the different habitats within Tropical World. We noticed that some of the habitats were very hot and we observed how the animals were suited to the hot temperature. Some of our favourite animals were the meerkats and the long-necked turtles. 

Instructions 26.10.23

This week we have been working hard on writing, editing and publishing our own set of instructions. We have been writing instructions on how to make a bug hotel. We have used a range of key features including a heading, sub-headings, commands and sequenced steps. We can't wait to use these instructions to build our very own bug hotels next half term!

WOW Wall 20.10.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for fabulous work in maths and art!

Art Day 20.10.23

What an exciting Friday we have had in Year Two! We were lucky enough to do art all day!

We started our art day off by arranging some pieces of broken pottery that have been collected by Miss Richardson on her travels. We used the iPads to take pictures of our arrangements and then used different mediums to carefully draw our pieces. We were focusing on taking our time and using lots of detail in our drawings. We continued to practise our observational drawing skills by drawing some seashells.

We ended our art day by exploring the 'wax resist' technique. We used candles to draw and then painted over our drawings with watercolours to see what would happen. We had so much fun!

Optimistic October 19.10.23

This month, we are focusing on how we can be more optimistic in different situations to help us to stay positive.

On Thursday, we spent some time learning about what it means to be optimistic and why this is important. We recognised that when we are being optimistic, we are 'looking on the bright side'. We discussed what make us happy, read some different scenarios and decided if they were optimistic or pessimistic.

WOW Wall 13.10.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for great work in maths and art!

Dodging 09.10.23

Over the last few weeks, we have been practising our dodging skills in P.E. We have been learning to dodge objects and people by keeping our head up, bending our knees, leaning our body to one side and moving the other way quickly. We have been playing lots of different team games to help us perfect our technique. 

WOW Wall 05.10.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in English and R.E!

Library Time 03.10.23

Every Tuesday, we visit the school library and choose our new library book for the week. We love looking at all of the different books, talking about these with our friends and reading them together. 

WOW Wall 29.09.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for super work in English and handwriting!

Non-chronological Reports 28.09.23

This morning, we have all been working so hard writing our first published piece of writing in Year Two. We have been writing non-chronological reports all about London! We have used a range of key features including headings, sub-headings and technical vocabulary. 

Djembe Drums 26.09.23

This half term, we have started to learn how to play the djembe drum. We are having so much fun learning all about the djembe and about different rhythms. We have played lots of different musical games where we have had the opportunity to practise the rhythms that we have been learning. 

WOW Wall 22.09.23

Well done to our Wow Wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and science! 

North, East, South and West 22.09.23

Our geography topic this half term is 'We are United'. On Friday, we recapped our knowledge and understanding of the four cardinal compass points by using compasses to explore our playground. 

Meet the Teacher Meeting 11.09.23

It was lovely to meet so many of you at the Meet the Teacher meeting on Monday. I am looking forward to working in partnership with all of you this year. Please see below the slides from the meeting which include all of the information. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. 

Serene September

What a busy and exciting first week we have had in Year Two! At the beginning of the week, we made some time to slow down, relax and take care of our wellbeing. We carried out a meditation practice with Mrs Shea where we focused on our breathing. We then discussed what helps us to feel relaxed on a daily basis.